Emergencies happen. Make sure that you have the right skills and equipment so that you can take action if someone’s life is in danger. AED Advocates is here to provide you with CPR and other forms of lifesaving training. We can even provide you with an AED to keep on standby. With our help, you can prepare for any outcome and have everything you need to potentially save a life.
Call us today to get started.
When you sign up for one of our classes, we won’t just teach you CPR. We’ll also demonstrate:
After we’re done, you’ll have the skills you need to protect those around you in emergencies.
Reach out to us today to learn more about our classes.
We have a group of certified instructors with years of experience. Our instructors are capable of teaching both individuals and large groups with ease. We pay close attention to every detail, making sure that our techniques are being properly passed down to each individual in the class. We also have bilingual class offerings.
Contact Information
2137 S 65th Ave Unit 2, Yakima, WA 98903
Monday - Sunday: Open 24 Hours